
Economic justice network meeting

In this meeting we’ll be turning our attention to local authorities and their role in supporting healthy and inclusive economies that people experience every day.

At a time when an increasing number are in financial difficulties, what does the year ahead hold?  What strategies to strengthen local economies are being pursued, what are the tensions involved, and what approaches can funders take to catalyse change?

We will be joined by Hannah Peaker, Director of Policy and Advocacy at the new economics foundation, Jonny Gordon-Farleigh, Founder and MD of  Stir to Action and Debbie Pippard of Barrow Cadbury Trust, which is taking a place-based and movement-building approach to economic systems change in Birmingham.

Date: 21 February 2024

Time: 2pm - 4pm


Hannah Peaker, director of policy and advocacy, New Economics Foundation

Jonny Gordon-Farleigh, founder and managing director, Stir to Action

Debbie Pippard, director of programmes, Barrow Cadbury Trust


 Danielle-Walker-Palmour, director, Friends Provident Foundation 

Debbie Pippard, director of programmes, Barrow Cadbury Trust

This event will take place online. A Zoom link will be sent 48 hours before.

If you would like to discuss access requirements, please contact [email protected]