
Evidence and learning network meeting

Grantee Reporting and Learning: What have we learnt and what next?

Over the last decade there have been increasing calls for funders to make reporting less prescriptive for grantees, for example IVAR’s work on open and trusting grant making (https://www.ivar.org.uk/better-reporting/). This has been increasingly, but not exclusively, linked to making the funding itself less prescriptive and ultimately unrestricted.  

This session will look at developments in this work from a learning perspective, exploring innovations to ease reporting burden on grantees, but also asking where this leaves grantees’ learning and whether it is feasible for funders to conduct portfolio level analysis in a lighter touch reporting environment and ask whether this matters.

The three main questions we will be exploring are:

  • What innovations can funders make to ease the burden on grantees?
  • Even if it is not a requirement, in what ways can funders support grantees with their learning?
  • What about portfolio analysis?  If funders are no longer collecting systematic data from grantees, is a portfolio analysis possible? Are any funders in the network doing this already?  

This is designed as a peer learning session. After a presentation from the convenors (Andy Curtis, Paul Hamlyn Foundation and Richard Graham, Barnardo’s Foundation), and guest speakers, we will discuss the questions above.  


Kirsty Gillan-Thomas, Head of Evidence and Learning, Paul Hamlyn Foundation 
Ciaran Raffety, Director, Hilden Charitable Trust
Rochell Rowe, Youth Engagement Manager, Blagrave Trust

Date: 20 February 2024

Time: 11am - 1pm


Richard Graham, Barnardo’s Foundation

Andy Curtis, Paul Hamlyn Foundation

This event will take place online. A Zoom link will be sent 48 hours before.

If you would like to discuss access requirements, please contact [email protected]