Origins of wealth toolkit

Our new Origins of wealth toolkit sets out the historical and present-day context in which many foundations and other institutions are choosing to research and publish connections between wealth origins and money from enslavement and make changes as a result.

ACF members can view this resource by logging in here. 


  • The toolkit gives practical guidance for foundation boards to hold conversations, understand the relevance for their organisation and make decisions about the right path for them.
  • You’ll find detailed advice on how to commission the research work, suggestions for how to communicate your intentions internally and externally, and an overview of actions you might want to consider as a result.
  • We offer examples of work and reflections from ACF members who are already working in this space, including advice on how to support your staff and trustees (and yourself) during your own journey.  

This resource is available exclusively for ACF members, who can view it by logging in here



The Origins of wealth toolkit was developed collaboratively with a reference group of ACF members and non-member subject matter experts. It was commissioned with support from Barrow Cadbury Trust.