The Association of Charitable Foundations (ACF) is the leading membership association for foundations and independent grant-makers in the UK. We strengthen trusts and foundations so they can rise to the challenges of our times. Our vision is diverse, vibrant and effective foundations, working together for social good.

  Become a member 



Cost of living

Diversity, equity and inclusion

Image of the globe with a thermometer to represent the climate


Image of a Greek temple to represent the Stronger Foundations initiative



Upcoming events

AI and the modern
grant-making organisation

5 June

SIIG: People at the heart of
social impact investing

6 June

Evidence and learning
network meeting

11 June

Investment seminars: an
introduction for foundations

11 & 12 June

What's new?


Latest blogs

CEO blog | In tough times, ‘how’ foundations give is as important as ‘how much’

Posted on 5/28/2024
Carol Mack, ACF chief executive, discusses why foundations of all sizes can work on their grant-making practices – striving for progress, not perfection.

A conversation with ACF's volunteer network convenors

Posted on 5/14/2024
Trevor Horsewood, ACF’s new Network development manager, asks network convenors Hannah Howard and Louise Telford about their work and the benefits of being part of the ACF network community.

CEO blog | Evidencing the collective impact of foundations

Posted on 4/25/2024
Carol Mack, ACF chief executive, reflects on the value of data.


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